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切江 志龍 博士(農学)



  • Ph.D. (2018-2021)​

    • Laboratory of Biometry and Bioinformatics

    • Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo

    • 題目:スイレンの理論形態モデル(Theoretical morphological model of water lily) (東京大学学術機関リポジトリ)

  • M.S.  (2016-2018)

    • Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University

  • B.S. (2011-2015)

    • Department of Applied Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science



  • 生命美学プラットフォーム metaPhorest メンバ (a bio-art platform at Waseda University)  (2015-)

  • ズカンフ~ザッシ 文化と生物学 編集メンバ (2022~)

  • Internship

    • MISTEA, INRA/SupAgro-Montpellier, (September - October, 2019)   

    • MISTEA, INRA/SupAgro-Montpellier, (August - November, 2018) 

      • Supervisors : Pascal Neveu, Christophe Pradal

  • Scholarships

    • The Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Young Ambassador Program, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2019)​

Published Articles

  1. Koji Noshita, Hidekazu Murata, Shiryu Kirie, Model-based plant phenomics on morphological traits using morphometric descriptors, Breeding Science,

  2. Kirie S, Iwasaki H, Noshita K, Iwata H (2020) A theoretical morphological model for quantitative description of the three-dimensional floral morphology in water lily (Nymphaea). PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239781.


  1. 〇Shiryu KIRIE, Koji NOSHITA, Kosuke HAMAZAKI, Kosuke ISHIMORI, Atsushi J NAGANO, Yohei HIGUCHI, Hideki TAKANASHI, Christophe PRADAL, Pascal NEVEU, Hideo IWASAKI, Hiroyoshi IWATA, "Design of Floral Morphology of Varieties of Water Lilies Based on the Theoretical Morphological Model", Morphometrics as a tool: how to design the beauty of organisms, 69th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, Japan (2022) Workshop (in Japanese) 

  2. 〇Kirie S., Pradal C., Iwasaki H., Noshita K., Iwata H. "Three-dimensional morphological model of water lilies Nymphaea spp. for breeding historical study", 9th International Conference on FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURAL PLANT MODELS, Hannover(Online),Germany(2020)

  3. 〇Kirie S., Pradal C., Iwasaki H., Noshita K., Iwata H. "Theoretical morphological analysis of floral morphology of French water lily cultivars (フランス産スイレン品種の花形態の理論形態解析)", 日本育種学会第138回講演会, Online (2020), (in Japanese)

  4. 〇Kirie, S., and Horibe, K., "Aesthetics in Mathematical Biology" (challenging symposium), 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology (2019) (Symposium Organizer)

  5. 〇KIRIE, S., IWATA, H., IWASAKI, H., PRADAL, C., NEVEU, P., and NOSHITA, K. "An investigation of aesthetics-driven evolution -Temple of Nymphaea Project -", International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society Symposium 2019, Temple-sur-lot, France (2019)

  6. 〇KIRIE, S., PRADAL, C., NOSHITA, K., NEVEU, P., and IWATA, H. "Constructing a Semantic System for Flower Form Description", the 6th International Symposium on Biological Shape Analysis, Boulogne-sur-mer, France (2019)

  7. 〇Kirie S., Noshita K., Iwasaki H, Iwata H. “Ontological control of floral 3D-morphological model”, The 66th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan (2019)

  8. Kirie S., 〇Noshita K., Iwata H., Iwasaki H., “Theoretical Morphological approach for three-dimensional measure of floral morphology”, TBMA XV Next Generation of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan (2018) (in Japanese)

  9. 〇Kirie S., Noshita K., Iwata H., Iwasaki H., “Theoretical morphology of Nymphaea (waterlily) cultivars”, 7th Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference, Tokyo, Japan (2018) (in Japanese)

  10. 〇Kirie S., “Analysis of floral organs in Nymphaea (waterlily) cultivars”, Japanese Society for Quantitative Biology 8th meeting, Aichi, Japan (2017) (in Japanese)


  1. 「metaPhorest Biome 生物学実験室におけるアートの生態系」WHITEHOUSE、東京(2024)

  2. 石田翔太、切江志龍グループ展「Earth Combinatoria-園芸と美術のラボラトワール-」kumagusuku、京都(2022)

  3. 切江志龍+石田翔太《Soui-Renn -A Figure of Impression-》2019(本展示は指示書), 「再演 ―指示とその手順」, The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan (2021)

  4. 切江志龍個展《Temple of Nymphaea -Herbarium-, Art Space Kimura, Tokyo, Japan (2020)

  5. Hideo Iwasaki and metaPhorest (Hanna Saito, Mio Iizawa, Shiryu Kirie), 《aPrayer - Memorial service for the spirits of microorganisms and artificial cells/lives》, KENPOKU ART 2016, Ibaraki, Japan (2016)



  1. 結合合宿 Earth Combinatoria, Earth Combinatoria Project・株式会社ロフトワーク・FabCafe共催, Tokyo, Japan(2023) (主催)

  2. BioCamp: Garden as Biotechnik, The Japan Foundation Asia Center and TodaysArt JAPAN/AACTOKYO, Tokyo, Japan, (2018)(参加)

Other Publications

  1. 切江志龍, ”花を「デザイン」することは可能か――イメージをかたちづくる”,  科学(2023年11月号), 岩波書店


  2. 切江志龍,堀部和也(編),”連載:数理生物学の生命観”,#1 ~ #6 (全6回),Acadeist Journal, Academist (2020)

  3. 切江志龍,”「花を愛でる」、その深遠に何があるのか?”,月刊美術(2020年9月号)p64-65,サン・アート

  4. Shiryu Kirie, “Three Topics About Gardens”, BioCamp: Gardens as 'Biotechnik' Report, the Japan Foundation Asia Center, pp.26-27 (2018)

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